Intramural spirit and participation varies from college to college and year to year, but in general, Yale takes intramurals very seriously. Thanks to our Harry-Potter esque college system, there's no need to go around organizing your teams - everyone plays for their own college. We battle for the prized Tyng Cup, with an ongoing online scoreboard updated daily, see here: www.yale.edu/intramurals
Take a look, you'll see that the JE Spiders dominate the table. After winning the Tyng last year, we're looking for our repeat this year. In the fall, I captained JE's coed Football team to a 2nd plance finish, and this semester I'm captaining JE's Men's B Hoops team, which is currently 3-0.

I encourage everyone to play IMs - they really are a great break from your daily routine at Yale and provide a great opportunity to meet people in your college, and they're incredibly fun. Athletic ability not required, you just have to be excited to play :)
*This is played in Inter-tubes, ya, inter-tubes, its awesome
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